Survey of the prevalence of nosocomial infections and Antibiotic Sensitivity and resistance in 9 Dey Hospital in Torbat heydareh between 2013-2016

Document Type : Original Article


1 Instructor, Dept. of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Birjand School of Nursing and Midwifery, Birjand University of Medical Sciences, Birjand, Iran

2 MSC of Parasitology, Torbat hydarieh of University of Medical Science, Torbat hydarieh, Iran,

3 BS of nursing, Dept. of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Torbat hydarieh of University of Medical Science, Torbat hydarieh, Iran

4 BS of Parasitology, 9 Dey Hospital, Torbat hydarieh of University of Medical Science, Torbat hydarieh, Iran


Background and Aims: Nosocomial infections cause many problems in the treatment and a lot of damage. The aim of this study was to Survey of the prevalence of nosocomial infections and Antibiotic Sensitivity and resistance in 9 Dey Hospital in Torbat heydareh between 2013-2016.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-analytic study with census sampling method, 261 patients who had fever and signs of infection in a special system were examined for 48 to 72 hours after admission between 2013-2016. In sterile conditions, samples were prepared from patients and their connections, and according to the standard protocols, they were sent to the laboratory and the cultures prepared from these samples were examined. Antibiotic test was performed by disc method to determine bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Finally, the data were analyzed by SPSS software version 14 and descriptive and analytical tests (Frequency, Chi-square, Kruskal-Wallis) with p=0.05.
Results: The most frequent sites were cultivars, wounds (40.2%) and most cases of nosocomial infections in 2015 (38.3%). The most common bacteria found were G- bacilli (8.4%) and the highest antibiotic susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (14.6%) and the highest antibiotic resistance to cotrimoxazole (14.6%). There was a significant relationship between unit of hospitalization and antibiotic susceptibility and resistance (p = 0.001).
Conclusion: Nosocomial infections will need to be investigated due to complications, even with a low percentage. Regarding antibiotic resistance in intensive unit, the importance of hygiene and the use of invasive therapies with aseptic methods are necessary.


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