Evaluating Sabzevar University of Medical Science student’s quality oflife and some of its effective factors in



Introduction: life quality is introduced as perception of one’s own life style according to his environment cultural and society status. Living in dormitory or such palaces is an important factor effecting one life’s quality. So, the goal of present study is the evaluation of Sabzevar University of Medical science student’s life quality. Material and method: this practical descriptive cross-sectional study took place in 2012. Our study population was Sabzevar University of medical science students. SF36 life quality questionnaire and a non-specific questionnaire consisted of 10 questions was used. This standard questionnaire was validated by Montazeri et al. Study data was analyzed by SPSS software. Confidence interval and significance level of 95% and 0, 05 were respectively used in our analysis. Results: 31.6% and 68.4% of 117 students were male and female respectively. Student’s age ranged between 19 and 25, with the highest frequency of 36.8% and lowest frequency of 0.9% respectively for 20 and 25 years of age. Employed students had better agility and mobility, so they got higher life quality scores. Conclusion: successful college period can only be effective and continued, when cooperation and collaboration are present in society.Paying enough attention to any harassment of students which can affect learning potentials is necessary and indeed can affect students quality of life.
