Occupational stress in operating room and anesthesia technicians of ZahedanAli ebneAbitalebHospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member of health promotion research center, Faculty of operating room, Nursing and midwifery school, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran.

2 Student of Anatomy, Member of student research center, Medical school, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran

3 Member of health promotion research center, Faculty of operating room, Nursing and midwifery school, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran

4 PHD of statistic & Epidemiology, Faculty of statistic group, Health school, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran.


Introduction:Job stress is one of the most common hazards in workplaces and threatens employee’s physical and mental health. The purpose of the study is determining job stress in operating room and anesthesia technicians.
Methods & materials:  Seventy eight operating room and anesthesia technicians enrolled in this descriptive-analytical study in ZahedanAli-Ebne-AbitalebHospital in 2014. Data collection tool was theOsipow occupational questionnaire. Data was analyzed by SPSS v.15 software using descriptive and analytical (ANOVA, T-Test, Chi-Square) statistical methods.
Results: Most of the operating room and anesthesia technicians had slight stress. Average score of total stress in surgical and anesthesia technicians was 200.57±20.88 and 207.24±25.30 respectively. The most frequent stressor in both groups was role ambiguity.There is a significant relationship between rate of job stress with age (p=0.008) and work experience (0.009).
Conclusion:Regarding the most importance of job stressors, related to role ambiguity,there seems to be a potential need in considering and modifying these factors.
